I triggered a lot of men with my blog post about women "hitting the wall"

To take a break from satirical writing…I want to talk about an old blog post of mine today.

Last year I wrote a post called "Stop bullying women about "hitting the wall" because Father Time comes for us all (and his hairline is receding)" (long title, but I thought it was funny).

I had been seeing a lot of posts and tweets online from men about how women "hit the wall" and stop being attractive at a young age. Some people say 30, some say 25, some really gross guys online say that women are their most attractive at 16 but anyway, I was seeing a lot of those.

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And look - I'm human (or more specifically, female and 27) so when I started seeing those posts it made me freak out internally for a second about age and becoming ugly and the fuckable life as I know it ending. (Keep in mind - I'm prone to dramatic thinking.)

So I spent a few months thinking about this concept of "hitting the wall" and I realized something that the men on Twitter weren't talking about. Everyone hits the wall.

Sure, most of us look our best in our twenties. But everyone gets old eventually, it's a fact of life! In fact, an optimistic person could look at this fact and think of it as unifying - how cool to know that we will all have the same shared experience of aging.

But when I saw all of these posts from men online about women "hitting the wall" at an early age - it was not unifying.

Their language and the way they talked about women aging almost felt…vindictive.

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So after seeing enough of these things online, I wrote a post about how we all hit the wall in our life, and I was met with a barrage of comments from men about….well, I'll just post some screenshots here.

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And look - I'm not the type to get bothered over comments like this. I've been cyber-bullied before on basically every platform possible haha, I just found it interesting that my theory was correct.

Men online use the concept of "hitting the wall" as a vindictive insult to bully women.

With phrases like "you lose" and "have fun ladies, it only lasts so long" it's pretty obvious that a lot of guys online are super gleeful that "the wall" exists because it might be the only winning chip they have in a really sad life.

It's this false promise that while life might be unfair right now…it could all turn around when you get into your forties and then suddenly women in their twenties will find you attractive while women your age look like spoiled milk.

I mean, even typing it out it just sounds so insane to me. It's hard to believe that so many people actually believe this.

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It was interesting after I published the post (it's one of my top 10 most searched blog posts on Google) to see all of the comments around it, too. Some of these men are publishing paragraphs and paragraphs of comments telling me about how I'm wrong, or how the wall really does exist, or how makeup is something women use to look better than men so it's a false image they project and it's just…so tiring to read them. I can't even imagine how tiring it is to write all of those comments and think all of those thoughts.

Doesn't it get exhausting to hate an entire gender?

And moreover, doesn't it get exhausting to hate yourself?

Because that's what worrying about The Wall really comes down to. Women stress over it because they're insecure about their looks and their age, and men hone in on it because they're stressed about their appearance and their station in life, and hoping that a decade from now they'll be better off than they are right now because "The Wall" gives them a false promise of a secured better future.

And this concept of "The Wall" really is a disservice to both genders.

Worrying about the future won't make any woman look younger. And knowing that women get less attractive with age won't make any man more attractive himself.

There are some red pills in life that are helpful to swallow, but as far as "The Wall" goes, it's just a concept to get stuck in your throat and bother you. There's no point in swallowing it.


So here are some actual red pills about "The Wall" that are more helpful than the concept of "The Wall" ever could be:

  • Stress is one of the worst things for your body. Stress releases cortisol and other negative chemicals throughout your body which age you so instead of worrying about hitting the wall at 30, go for a walk or watch ASMR or listen to a stand up comedy special because those things are all infinitely more helpful and productive for you than scrolling through Reddit pages about "The Wall."

  • Age is not a magic concept that makes women ugly and men beautiful. You only age nicely if a) you have crazy good genetics or b) you put the work in to keep yourself healthy. Women can age nicely if they take care of themselves. Men will age poorly if they don't. This is science, whereas "The Wall" is an internet concept.

  • Men will always think that younger women are hot. And women will always think that older men are hot. While this might seem stressful to either gender (women being too old to be desirable, men being too young to be taken seriously) take solace in the fact that you will always be desirable to someone. Men who are 18 will have their 14 year old neighbors crushing on them. Women who are 50 will be viewed as hot in literally any nursing home. It's not all bad!

Basically what I'm trying to say is that there are positive and negative sides to every concept online.

I feel like we're in this current state of…

Man: Women hit the wall at age 16!
Woman: Okay, well you're a pedophile!
Man: Okay, and you're not even good looking
Woman: I hope you get colon cancer. You're in the demographic for it!
Man: I hope you get raped!

And other garbage like that that I see on Twitter. It's just exhausting.

I would gladly stand up on a podium and shout "I'm 27 and I hit the wall two years ago" if it meant that men would stop commenting on my blog post about "The Wall" and telling me that I should be scared because I'm about to become ugly at 30.

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So as I like to do with most things in life…I am steering into the skid on this one.

"The Wall" exists! I am not bangable in any way whatsoever because I am past the age of 18! If any of my Instagram pictures has ever made you feel horny, you need to stop feeling that way immediately. You can only scroll back to my high school yearbook photo and feel horny there, because that was before I hit the wall.

My 7th grade birthday party? Fair game. But me at age 26 in a bikini at the spa? Absolutely not. It's past The Wall.

Until the next one,